Sunday, February 8, 2009


It stuck me as I was browsing the numerous matches that have been sent to me on eHarmony, that there are A LOT of people out there that are craving a connection. The want to find someone to witness their life and share their time with. It seems that as technology expands and gives us more and more ways to communicate with each other, we are slowly loosing our ties. When I was younger, before getting my first mobile phone, I could remember people's numbers and birthdays - now with technology everywhere, I can no longer remember the details that used to initially keep me in touch with a friend. I have a lot of friends on Facebook, but most of them I haven't actually spoken to in years. I start to doubt whether or not i would recognize their voice if I heard it on the phone or call from across the room. I would assume the voice was call to a different Jamie in the room.

Don't get me wrong. I know what is going on in people's lives that I would have otherwise completely lost touch with if not for technology. there is something nice about that and it makes smile to remember the times I have spent with each of them. It seems to me that as it gets easier and easier to stay in touch with people it gets harder and harder to initiate contact.

Everyone sits alone in the coffee shop with their lap tops and are busily connecting with people far far away while those in hear shot are ignored. I am guilty of this as well (in fact, I am doing this as I type.) Our culture is different now. Not good or bad, just different. An interesting conundrum of connected and isolated, in touch and out of the loop... what will the future hold? I hope that we can regain some of the person contact from the past. It is nice to have a friend stop by and check on you or call to say hi. I have to make the change as well.


In my mind, you get a 2-3 month window whenever you move to a new place to go out and meet people. This is the time when you get a free pass to go to bars, events, plays, or whatever the case alone and not be judged. After that window has passed, I feel like a freak going places alone; like a strange person who can't make friends and should get a life. Why, though? Things in life change and friendships can come and go. Shouldn't that window be open anytime a major event happens? Why do I nail it shut and trap myself inside? The city is full of events that are ideal for attending alone and meeting people. It never fails, that if I am brave enough to venture out on my own, I will find someone to talk to and enjoy myself. BUT getting me out of the doors is so hard!

Moving isn't the only time we find ourselves with windows of time. Meeting a new people for instance, you have a few days to make contact after the initial interaction to follow up. If not, then you are out of luck and have missed your window of opportunity to create a relationship. I feel it says to the other person “you weren’t cool enough to contact right away; but now that I have nothing else to do, you are my backup.” I think this is doubly true with dating situations. It definitely feels like the other person is not interested enough to make time. With platonic it is a larger window. But we make time for things we think are important. (I have always heard that if you don’t know where your priorities lay, look at what you spend time on. It’s a tell-tell sign.)

Also that saying (that gets irritating when life is crappie) "When God closes a door, he opens a window." Let it be known that I will always think "so I can jump out!" even if I don't say it aloud. Windows aren't made for going through (outside of emergencies and sneaking out, of course); they are made for looking out and letting air and sunlight through. Why would I want an open window when I get a door slammed in my face? Is that really the best time to be able to see clearly the outside world, feel the breeze and warmth of the sunlight others are getting that I am being left to just observe?

Anyway, I can rant. And they aren't so bad really, windows. Sometimes feeling that breeze and warmth are the only traces of hope that we are afforded. They are there to remind us that life will go on and it is not the end of the world. They can also protect us from the harsh elements that often rage in the big bad world. Two sides to every coin.

This has definitely gone a different direction that I thought it would. But, hey you can’t control random ramblings…

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

So, yeah...

So, yeah... I first started this blog to relay information regarding products on a website that I work for - but the website now has a blog within the site that I am using. ( That means that this blog will now be more a personal outlet than originally planned. You can take that as a warning or disclaimer or just a side note.

I find it funny that now that I have more time to be by myself, I am becoming more comfortable being alone. That sentence on its own doesn't accurately articulate what I am trying to say, so I will be more verbose. In the past, I have gotten energy, fed off of time with people. I needed to be around people to boost my energy and decompress or reset myself back to normal. But now that I am working only 25 hours a week, I have all of this time in the afternoons to myself. At first it was quite strange and I didn't like it. But now that it has been about two months, it feels normal. I am quite productive in the afternoons when before I would have still been at work. I have gotten addicting to working out (with my friend, Marie) anywhere from 1-2.5 hours a day. The after I get home from that, around 7, I am alone again. I am definately not utilizing this time as effectively as I should, nor am being responsible as far as bed time and waking up goes. Now my energy comes from working out maybe, or having an apartment that is put together - something else besides people though.

There are definately times when I miss people, but my finances do not allow for activites that require money. (that definately limits that options) One good thing about this point in my life is that my friend tend to be in the same boat, so we can comiserate together. I hold out hope that it will be our year, one of these years...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hello world.

So you don't know me from any other Jane walking down the street, which is why you should read what I have to say.

I named this blog "Sleep Success" because it hit me recently that ONE THIRD of our lives are spent sleeping, or at least it should be spent that way. (I know I could be behind on that.) Think about it: we are supposed to get 8 hours of sleep a night; there are 24 hours in a day; 8 is one third of 24; multiply that by however many days we live and it is still one third. I'm not sure about you, but I have not been giving my sleeping time the priority it needs. I think that the quality of sleep we get is as important as the quanity. There is no scientific truth to speak of that I am basing this on, but I believe that you would have to agree. I can remember staying at a shady hotel, with cheap mattresses and sheets, and no matter how many hours I slept - I did not feel as rested as when I slept in my own bed.

I plan to use this blog to keep you updated on the coolest, most cutting edge products I find in regard to sleep and probably other things as well. (I tend to follow rabbit holes, so try and follow my thoughts.) I hope that you enjoy reading my posts as much as I know I will enjoy writing them.